Supreme God-intoxicated devotee. Approached God through a multitude of paths. Spoke and laughed with Divine Mother. Passed his intoxication on to many including Vivekananda. |
Messenger of God Inculcated the concept of love among mankind. Incarnation of the Christ principle. Taught the omnipresence of Divinity within the heart |
Spread the doctrine of enlightenment to millions. Identified the cause of suffering. Promoted purity in thought, word and deed. "Be tranquil in mind, tolerant of others, bring no harm to anyone"
Fed the poor, performed great works, inspired thousands. Healed many in body and mind. Took birth and lived his miraculous life for the sake of others
Stories of Sathya Sai Baba
Man of Miracles and Wonder. Beloved living teacher of millions throughout the world. Embodiment of the Shiva-Shakti principle (Universal Mother-Father)
About Sathya Sai Baba
More Devotee's Stories
Seven amazing stories of Sai Baba devotees. Mysterious incidents occur and draw people to Sai Baba's side. Miracle cure. Dream visitation.
Sai Baba Controversy
Milarepa Of Tibet
A legend in Tibet and the world. From sorcery to enlightenment in one lifetime. Meditated strenuously in Himalayan caves gaining total illumination. Taught even gods and goddesses
Shirdi Sai Baba
Crest Jewel of Saints. An Incarnation of God Shiva. Omniscient presence - Promoted unity among Hindu and Moslems. Vowed to look after all devotees even after death.