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My first contact with LittleOwl (Shirley) was when I saw her name on the WE (Walk-ins) Internatinal Web Site and wrote to her to tell her about Trinity who communes with higher light beings while traveling in the void. What I discovered was that Shirley was not surprised by this and had her own equally amazing story to tell.
As predicted, approximately one month later I received another Email from her.
Dear Shirley. I'd very much like to hear about Osishoo. I just visited your web site and went through all the pages. But I think I wanted most to hear about you. Have you always been a spiritual person or did you wake up one day and begin your quest? How did you develop the ability to contact other beings?
Myself, I grew up an atheist but in my mid twenties I met a person who did zen meditation. I got interested in it and read about kensho or satori (enlightenment). After that I had a burning desire to find out all about this state and how to attain it. But along the way I had my strong personality to deal with and tame. Now I am trying to figure out how to get the plane off the runway so to speak. Trinity tells me to just stop being impatient and just BE. But somehow I feel there must be something more to my life.
Dear Shirley,
I'm thinking of doing a web page about you on my site. I don't want to ask you to spend time telling your story just for one person, but for many, just as I did with Trinity.
I was amazed to hear of your quick results when you first started meditating.
One thing I am curious about. I am just finishing Vol II of Drunvalo Melchizedek's Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. I am spell bound reading it but at the same time question some of the things in it. I'm wondering if you ever read the books. And in general, what schools of metaphysical thought have you pursued?
By the way, I am in Boise Idaho - just east of Washington and Oregon states in the U.S.
Once again your email has provoked many ideas and many things I'd like to say to you. Trinity told me "THEY" told him he was to interact with me and that something significant would come of it. I was a bit skeptical of course as I've told you because when he first told me he was a Pleiadean hybrid I thought that was a little bit "off the deep end" - out of the realm of my belief matrix. However I felt that if I could lend my assistance to a spiritual project I was very happy to do so. If I can't fly, see visions, contact guides, etc, at least I know how to write. Maybe I'm more useful doing that than if I had some advanced siddhis (yogic powers). I know when I go out on the web, I see so many sites of people who claim to be channeling for Sanat Kumara, Thoth, Metatron, Michael, Saint Germain, etc, I kind of wonder who these people are and what is their level of development - is the ego still strong so that it is all about them more than what they are trying to say. Why are these exalted beings working through this person and is this credible? Would they really do that? And then if they are selling products, magazine, classes, etc that always makes me suspicious. I hope I'm not sounding too negative here. But we are supposed to use our faculty of discriminative judgment.
Thanks for the book review. I will order it next time I order some books.
After my last email to you I read your entire web site. I found many things on your web site extremely interesting - the section on Star beings and the vision of the special children. I discovered something I missed before, that if I click on your picture, it brings up your personal story. I enjoyed that very much. Still, I have some intuition that there is something you're not telling us - like you volunteered to come to Earth to assist with this ascension and are just now becoming aware of this - or perhaps swooped in from some other system to help out. I am waiting to hear more.
Re: Olympia. Do you see the tree devas, or were you hearing directly from the spirits of the trees? Interesting that you had the flashback vision.
I can empathize with your situation. To think you were merely human for 50 odd years and then to find it was just a phase of your life (a cosmic wink in time from the higher perspective) - a preparation for a greater service and an inner awakening. I see so many people coming to a similar awareness - that they are here for a reason - to help create the new reality
It occurred to me that what I usually think is the definition for a walk-in is a being who takes over at some point in a person's life like when they have a severe personal or medical crisis. But from what you have said, "you" have occupied this body since birth.
Little Owl later made this clarification about being a walk-in. "I had not said I had occupied the body as the soul I am now. I will explain what a walk-in is, as I see it. To be a walk-in the soul has to have permission from The Higher Realms and must have a purpose, a mission. That is it cannot come just because he/she thinks it is a good idea. There has to be an agreement at soul level between the one wishing to leave the physical existence and the one wishing to come so that his purpose may be carried out. The deal is that the incoming soul has to clear up any mess left by the one leaving before it can start on its purpose. It is not an easy thing especially as the one entering often does not know he/she is a Walk-in until later. The incomer has the cellular memory of the body it takes on, but the soul memory of itself and its own journey may remain in the subconscious. So the cellular memory is on the surface and one can remember everything the outgoing soul has done and learnt in its life so far. There is often confusion for a while. I do not know precisely when I entered as it could have been many times. Lots of people say I change facially frequently when I am in contact with spirit and even when I am not. Maybe I share my body space. I do know I am not the person I was when younger." |
PS, I sent some of your messages to Trinity. He was very gratified that you resonated with the material but had an interesting reaction. He said he felt a twinge of jealousy because he has always wanted to speak to groups. He has seen visions of himself addressing groups. He thought what you were doing was wonderful and I think he is feeling like he wants to do more than just transmute the higher energy. I told him he still has young children and probably once they are grown up and move out, he will probably have a new phase of life, traveling and teaching just as you are doing.
By the way, I tried to buy Awakening at both Amazon.com and BarnesAndNoble and it isn't listed by either title or author.
Email from Mary Rodwell to Shirley: My publisher is a very aware lady and this has been wonderful, the synchronicity has been amazing.- she "knew' what she was publishing!!! And even the cover was determined to show them..as they really are. When I was at Leeds a woman came over and told me two Arcturians were on either side of me (one was called John and another Jack) My life guide is John!!! What do you know re the Arcturians? I know very little! |
When the Hathors come to you do they have a message they want you to deliver, are they just observing, or does their presence boost your impact? I did some reading about them in the past because a few of the people on the (Tree House) message board talked of them.
Thanks for the link to BeyondPublications. Interesting that Mary Rodwell mentions the Arcturians. Several of the people on the message board that Trinity frequents speak of Arcturians. They (people on the Tree House message board) are all lightworkers and grid workers but it is a private message board of support. They are all "different" and feel they don't fit in so they band together to share sympathy, knowledge, observations etc. Two of them are hybrids. Trinity is Pleiadian, and another is Zeta-human. Most of them are psychic in some way or have activated kundalini. I am one of the few "ordinary" people who frequent the board. I think they have mentioned Arcturians in conjunction with healing teams that are here.
Earlier, you said you created a spinning Merkabah body but used a much simpler technique than that taught by Drunvalo. I was wondering if you could describe how you do this? I was interested when I read Drunvalo's book but I don't know if I have the patience for his 19 step process.
PS, went back to the Walk in International web site and read all of the stories. I loved the three part interview with Kelemeria Myarea Elohim. It was very instructive of the higher life and I found I learned a lot about the higher beings - what their lives and organizations are like. I felt an aura of truth to it but as always there seems to be a clash of minor details with what others write.
I'm glad to hear Trinity wrote to you. You two do have so much in common and I'm sure can help each other with the realities that you respectively embrace. He is a fun being with a very enjoyable light side - not like me (serious and analytical).
Interesting to hear about the communication from Ra. I have the impression he was one of the moving entities behind the Egyptian civilization. So maybe you have some past history from this era.
I was surprised that you had not read that three part interview on the Walkin's web site. When I went to their About page, you were listed as a contact so I just assumed you were one of the movers and shakers behind this movement and knew the web site inside and out.
Do you experience any of the kundalini or DNA transformation symptoms that others speak of?
I remember when Trinity first told me he didn't think he'd be going through the portals of death, I just thought to myself that this is a self delusion. However that is before I learned of the coming dimensional shift. Although since I was familiar with Eastern Wisdom, I knew we were transitioning from the Kali Yuga (the most material) to the Dwapara Yuga. Lately I think a lot about this ascension process, and who will go into a next dimensional body and environment and who will go through a natural death process to be reborn into it - or a compatible 3D realm if that applies. It's an interesting topic and one I haven't seen addressed much. Makes me wonder what I have in store ahead of me. I do expect to live till 2012 at least which is the usual date assigned to this event.
Tobias! I have heard of him. There is a web site that sends out messages channeled from Tobias. I have read quite a few of them. We have a member on the message board who regularly posts channeled material. He often refers to them as Marshmallow messages because some channels seem to be that way - lots of fluffy loving words about how much we are appreciated, how brave we are down here mucking around in matter, etc. I do appreciate when they have a distinct message and information as well.
I wonder if contact with you and Trinity is changing me? Yesterday I was out shopping at lunch and kept getting rushes of blissful love. I was thinking of what Trinity said about his Guardian Sephiroth - that her energy feels like a lover's tearfelt love. Every time I thought of that I started feeling that love bliss very strongly, almost like you want to start crying you are so happy.
Glad to hear the words are flowing - and not too heavy on the marshmallows. I find I can only take a certain amount of pure instruction at a time. I very much liked what Drunvalo did in his books - Ancient Secrets - I know you didn't read them. He would give a page or two at most explaining heavy concepts such as fibonacci series, tetrahedrons, etc then he would lace in an anecdote or some interesting tidbit - something Thoth told him etc, that just made you breath a sigh of relief. I love reading peoples stories, often they trigger higher emotions as well as illustrating a point
How do you get up so early? I'm a night person so I'm always up till at least midnight, even on weeknights. Lately I've been wondering how to stretch my day to get more out of it. Maybe getting up earlier is one way to do that.
I'm going to have to start carrying pad and pencil around. I keep thinking of things I want to mention to you or ask about and then when it comes time to write I can't remember what they are. Last night I was reading one persons near death experience. Actually it was a real death experience as the body showed no signs of life and was actually getting stiff after over an hour of clinical death. He went out and had an encounter with the light and asked to know more about the universe. So the light granted his wish and he got a tour of the universe and was given the boon of remembering it all on his return. He wrote about all he was shown and it is a very enlightening and inspiring message - one of the best near death experiences I have ever read. I will send you a copy.
Yesterday was supposed to be the opening of the Pleiadian Gate (12/12/02-1/12/03). The people on the message board are very aware of these events and most feel them in one way or another either by seeing images, hearing from their guidance, or feeling them. Is this something that you keep up on or are aware of? I do notice increasing light and more clearing of old astral debris. There also seems to be more of a mass awareness that our leaders and governments are not necessarily acting in the best interests of people in general but from more of a hidden agenda. I do look forward to the day when people are less swayed by words from the mass media, and are able to discern directly a feeling of whether the words they hear match the actions of the source and ring as truth or not. A great light will break forth if we reach this stage.
I laughed when I read of Ra giving you a message while you were trying to remove ants from your pants so to speak. It will be very interesting to read of these messages, assuming they are all included in your book. But even the basic stuff will be very useful. I've read so many conflicting things. I don't know whether to use crystals, eat flowers, drink various kinds of herbal teas, do affirmations, build a merkaba, etc.
You certainly have the people after your time and presence. It would be interesting to see a list of all the places you have visited. You've probably travelled more than the Pope.
Here is the Benedict near death experience if you are interested in reading it. I think it's full of great information for an eager seeker.
I was amazed when you first mentioned Shirdi Sai Baba. So few people have actually heard of him. Especially westerners. I think I first became aware of him when I read Sai Baba - Man of Miracles by Howard Murphet. I used to read a lot of Theosophical books so I was familiar with Howard Murphet. This book revolutionized my thinking. I became immersed in Sathya Sai Baba for years. His teaching had a weird effect on me. Since I couldn't measure up to all of them I always felt guilty (not vegetarian, using alcohol, etc). He used to say things like, if people ignore his teachings then he will stay away from them until they change. So I longed to measure up, visit him, have him materialize a ring for me but would feel depressed knowing that I could not be a close disciple. He also said that the important thing in life was to realize God in us and everyone and that life itself was of secondary importance. So I began to feel that nothing was worth doing.
Then I read Sri Sai Satcharita, the collected stories of Shirdi Sai Baba and felt completely different. Shirdi Sai had no rules. He just captured peoples minds and hearts and formed a bond with them to draw them into spirit. I was immensely attracted to Shirdi Sai. I used to read just one story a day from the Satcharita. When I was done with the book, I'd start over again. I felt a link with Shirdi Sai and maintained this for several years. I read dozens of books of both Sai Babas. There are so many amazing and miraculous stories surrounding both of them. My web site was initially designed to make a lot of these ideas and teachings available to a western audience. I included a lot of other saints as I read other paths and also made pages for those that spoke loudly to me - to share with others. Two years ago, a person wrote to me and wanted to know why I had a web site about the evil person Sathya Sai Baba. He pointed me to several web sites that told of awful things that were witnessed by many at the ashram at Puttaparthi. I read them all thoroughly and tried to fathom what was going on.
I still felt and do today that Sathya Sai Baba is above doing evil things and that if anything was done, it was due to the interaction of the reality that a given person created with Sathya Sai (in other words something within their inner selves that formed that reality for them). I think maybe this was part of his Lila, to shape the evolution of our planet because millions of people were worshipping him and I don't think he wanted to create a future culture that enshrined him as a central focus to it. I think that would have limited the expression of our culture that is now forming. I don't know what you know or have heard about this. I was curious if you believed that the Absolute Himself would take embodiment on this planet as an Avatar.
Were you aware that the only time Sathya Sai Baba ever left India was to travel to Africa? It had to do with the spiritual awakening of that continent.
Dear Shirley. I am speechless and shedding tears. Your message / revelation was pure manna. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Since I feel a strong connection to both Sais it was especially meaningful to me. You have given me so much in one message but if you don't mind, could you tell me if you were called in for an interview (at Puttaparthi) and if so could you share whatever was not too personal to share. Interesting that so many people have said that Sai Baba has confirmed the existence of UFOs and ETs. Others say he has said the opposite. I have read many volumes of his Sathya Sai speaks, and also interviews with Hislop. I know that he often gives conflicting accounts or statements about the same topic. I think this is purposeful. For one thing so that people don't focus on him as a source of factual information but spiritual enlightenment. Also, he himself says that he reflects back to people whatever they are looking for. At the same time though he says that he never utters an untruth. So for the average person in 3D he is a great enigma.
PS, I received Awakening (Mary Rodwell) and started reading it last night. So far I think it is excellent,
Hello Shirley. How's everything going for you? I took Friday off from work and had a three day weekend. I had some time to work on a web page and read Awakening. I came to Tracey Taylor's story. I was just completely blown away. I was just so in synch with it. If that were all there were to the book I'd feel that I got more than my money's worth. I wondered if Tracey has written any books on her own and whether any of her art work is available. She just comes across as one amazing young lady. I was very interested that some of the things she wrote about were also mentioned by Trinity. He mentioned the mantis like being at the stargate off the coast of Oregon and Tracey described a similar life form. I hope this book gets a wider following because her story is very insightful and would affect many..
Happy Holidays to you.
![]() (74 minutes) Directed by Mary Rodwell of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network) Produced by Bradley DeNiese, the video was awarded the "Best Abductee/Contactee Documentary" and "Best Musical Score within a Documentary!" at the 9th Annual International UFO Congress at Laughlin, Nevada (USA) in March of 2000 Features over 50 drawings of "ET Beings" with artist interviews plus "contact-inspired" writings, symbols and spoken language. Purchase through ACERN Productions |
J. Thanks for this, Shirley! I had no idea the embers were still burning in this old institution.
Just curious, did you used to believe in extra terrestrial life when you were in your "former life" - married, family woman life? Did you have any interest in this before that first time you meditated and they began speaking to you?
I found the post from Trinity that I had come across earlier this year. When I was doing the Trinity web pages I thought of including it in, but it didn't seem to fit anywhere and it seemed so far out I really wasn't prepared to deal with it. Then when I read Awakening and came to the chapter on Star Children, suddenly it seemed to fit in a lot better.
From the book Awakening: Elle became increasingly aware that she might have experienced missing pregnancy symptom. In a hypnotic regression session she made the following statements. Elle said: "I feel very sad, its hard for me to think about it." "Why, what happened?" "They took it. They have told me they are going to take it, they have come into my bedroom. They take my baby girl (fetus in 8th week of development), they take me onto the craft and take her from me, they say that she is chosen to be a part of a very important race that is being created, to assist everybody, this is all meant to be and she will be cared for and looked after and that she will grow up here with my other children." Elle mentions great love for her child and said she was shown him several times. She describes him as being gentle, vulnerable, very psychic, telepathic and that he had several differences to humans such as only a little hair and different shaped eyes. (Note: Many women have found through hypnotic regression that their higher selves have volunteered to assist in this way even though they are not consciously aware of it.) |
Date Posted: 05/15/02 Wed Author: Trinity Subject: The Seed is Growing Was taken to a place filled with long clear chambers with children laying in stasis in them ..The children look to be about 9 or 10...THEY told me that the diamond seed are now quickly progressing in growth ... These children are something else... Was looking at one girl laying in one of these chambers and she opened her eyes and looked at me.... WHOAAA... I felt like Metatron himself just hit me with his energy this girl was so powerful... These children will be a great force of Father where ever they are intended to be. Wish i could really describe how intense and real all these places and things THEY show me are. Words don't even start to describe the sense and feel of it all. What I gather from THEM is the children will be introduced into society in full form at about the age of 10 or 11......We are One....Trinity |
That is amazing. I wonder when all these Seeds will make it back onto the planet. I guess after the knowledge of THEIR existence becomes more widespread. Then they can join with the Star Children who are already here. It will be interesting to see how all this unfolds.
What of us older workers? Do we have to be reborn to continue to assist? I've seen different scenarios whereby we will jump into a higher dimension and take on more of a light body. But my intuition tells me that the biological processes of death and rebirth will continue, just in a more refined body.