Cosmic Harmony the CD , An Interpretation of Celestial Music

HorseHead Nebula

...and from that space I looked on and saw the galaxies slowly turning, vortexes of sun clusters spinning within them. Shifting beams of colored lights flashed and pulsed rhythmically as the cosmic chords sounded in time. I strained and heard with great joy the sounds of Cosmic Harmony, the music of the spheres.

Selections from the Cosmic Harmony CD

Note: The Cosmic Harmony samples have been reduced in quality to support streaming
at typical modem connection speeds. It is recommended that you listen to the clips
using earphones if possible to experience more of the original sound quality.

Proceeds from the sale of the CosmicHarmony CD go towards the following charitable organizations: (See bottom of page for purchase details)
  • Shamdasani Foundation has built hospitals and care centers for destitute, homeless, blind, and disabled poor.
  • American Water Relief, brings fresh water and sanitation facilities to indigent villages in South and Central America.
  • The Seva Foundation provides refugee services and organizes sight clinics to prevent blindness and restore eyesight in countries around the world

See Helping the Mother section on the main page for more infomation about these organizations.

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I Hear the Music
The eternal inner awareness, or Atma, within each individual is like the screen that the universe projects the ever changing panorama of sense images upon. The Atma is the changeless witness, the Divine Observer within each of us. We think of music, colors, and objects as being "out there" and having an independent existence. But really it is our own Atmic awareness that registers the sensations of color, sound and feeling in response to the stimulation of our outer senses. In reality, color is an electromagnetic wave. Sound is merely vibration in matter. Seemingly solid objects consist mainly of empty space. The reality we think is "out there" is really projected by our own inner awareness. It does have a relative existence, but not quite as we know it. The inner awareness is the true existence, the outer a shadow, or phantom. In the same way, music exists first as an ideal and later on as a phenomenal occurrence. The musician first hears music internally and then recreates it using the physical media of musical instruments. The source of all musical ideas is the great Universal Architect / Musician. Man merely appropriates the pre-existing tunes, calling them his own creation as they come within the sphere of his consciousness. When we hear soul stirring music we are enraptured because the inner spirit recognizes the divine attribute of beauty lying behind the music, whether it be a primeval drum beat or an angelic choir.
I Hear the Music

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Jovian Jam
The planet Jupiter holds a special place in the solar system. It is the largest planet and wields considerable beneficial influence. According to astrological lore the planet confers a jovial disposition and considerable success when well placed in the nativity. Esoterically the planet Jupiter wields a religious influence. It is the hidden preceptor or spiritual teacher, Brihaspati, guiding his charges to ever more elevated goals. The planet's general influence is to bring optimism, exuberance, prosperity, and a sense of well being. This song expresses the Jovian mood.
Jovian Jam

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Floating Thru Heaven
What are the heaven worlds but intermediate states wherein otherworldly enjoyments await pure souls who have earned an interlude of beauty and grandeur. According to the merits earned, the heavenly delights are of lower or higher altitude and enjoyment. But all intermediate states, like life itself, have a beginning and ending in time. The accumulation of debt or merit that leads to either the miseries of the lower existences or the exalted ecstasies of heaven worlds are eventually exhausted and the migrating soul must return to school for another chance to pass the exam. The real, true, Heaven world is the everlasting state of complete liberation from the bondage of name and form, space and time, wherein the individual awareness merges into the Infinite Awareness that has no boundaries. In that state of Cosmic Awareness the individual becomes the sum total of all awareness in the universe, including the worlds of embodied consciousness such as ours and also those lower and higher intermediary lokas with their spirit inhabitants as well as those great beings of the universe who overshadow the grand structures we see in our night sky. In that state, the Cosmic All floats thru heaven on the milk ocean - the vast sea of individual pinpoints of light / awareness that have their existence within Him.
Floating Thru Heaven

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Narada's Song
Who is Narada? In the Eastern lore he is the quintessential devotee of the Most High. Narada is a pure spiritual being who roams unimpeded through the vast creation singing his devotional songs which emanate from a heart saturated with loving devotion. Narada plays beautiful music on his stringed veena and accompanies them with his devotional songs, full of the sweet nectar of selfless love for the divine. Thus he inspires those around him to greater devotion. In the Bhagavata text which is the written account of the Avatars or embodied descents of God, Narada shows up at various critical times to play some specific role in enacting the play or Leela of manifestation. The relationship of devotee to the divine is considered the highest relationship the embodied Atma can have with its Source. The path of devotion is the easiest of all the paths to tread. According to tradition, Narada attained enlightenment in a previous cycle of manifestation and was one of the few spirits held over from the previous cosmic dissolution.
Narada's Song

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A Minor Nova          Clip2
At the end of a star's evolution, it takes one of two paths. It either slowly loses its fire and becomes cool and dark, or it collapses in on itself triggering a massive explosion. The latter occurs if the star is massive enough to undergo gravitational collapse to form the supernova. In the spectacular fiery explosion, the heavier elements that have formed within the star are blown outward and spread through space like wind scattering the fertile ashes from a fire. The heavy matter scattered thus provides material for future stars and planets. If we looked out over the universe from the time perspective of the higher bodies - stars and galaxies, we would see regions of the universe sparkling with the frequent violent flashes of supernovas, making the universe appear to glitter and glow. In the life of the individual the lower emotions of desire, anger, hate, lust, greed, and envy are burnt in the fiery heat of successive lives until only the stable ash of Atmic awareness remains. Ash is symbolic of the pure unchanging spiritual state. Devotees in the East have long marked their foreheads with ash in honor of God Shiva who went about with his body smeared in ash. Shiva represents the destroyer aspect of the trinity - Creator, Preserver, Destroyer. Esoterically the auspicious Shiva destroys the hindering outer form and thus liberates the spirit within back to its original formless state.
A Minor Nova

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In dramatic dreams we awaken to dream awareness and know that our spirit can soar like the birds. In our waking state we are weighed down by this temple of clay, our feet planted firmly on the ground. But in non waking states, we throw off the habitual limits of our human mind set and know we are the formless spirit. In strikingly vivid dreams, we imagine we can soar above rooftops, through walls or over trees and so - we can! In the pure spiritual realm, we can be anywhere we instantly imagine because all individual awarenesses are part of the interconnected web of spirit. We are all sparks of the eternal Cosmic Flame of Paramatma. Space and time are transcended in the spiritual state; being only an illusion imposed on life within form. By moving from physical consciousness to spiritual consciousness we leave the state of individuality behind and move back into the state of Unity, that great ocean of Consciousness / Bliss from which we once emerged.

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Pulsars flash with brilliance at regular intervals of time like a clock ticking within the universe. The billions of years of the lifespan of the universe could have been an uninterrupted, continuous and monotonous eternity. But that is not the way of the Divine! Instead the movement of the orbs creates our days, months, and years that we mark as human beings. Seasons, fashions, civilizations, the continents and the life forms living upon them change continually, making every moment , every individualized life and thing absolutely unique. An insect may live a few weeks, a human a hundred years, a star millions of years. For us, time is divided into growing, learning, activity and rest; a succession of weekdays and weekends; work and play periods. The rhythm of the universe plays out according to the life scale of the unit tuning in to it. The atom lives in the nanosecond. The galaxy observes billion year cycles. The Human looks skyward and sees a snapshot of the universe frozen in time, not apprehending the rotating galaxies, the billowing inter-galactic fog banks, the stroboscopic flashing of pulsars and novas. Just as on our planetary level we have rainbows and meteors, lightning and auroras, so on a Cosmic scale, the pulsar is just one of many unique phenomenon in the universe, adding its rhythmic pulsations to the ceaselessly active Cosmos.

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Oh What Amazing Grace
On the long path of evolution, we may spend countless years toiling alone in ignorance and darkness, not realizing our true divine origin or inevitable destiny of re-mergence with our source. At some time in the long career of each unit of individualized spirit, the consciousness considers the possibility that a Creator might exist and begins to form a relationship with that Creator. As we take that first step towards the Creator, He immediately responds by moving closer to us. He is after all our very inner awareness seated within the heart and so knows every mental process and attitude within our mental makeup. He has been waiting patiently for ages for each individualized unit to take that first step on the path of return. He will never give up on us, however long it may take. As we reorient ourselves toward the light, the shadow falls behind and the pathway ahead is lit. We then realize that we are part of the divine family, that we deserve to be let in from the dark and cold state of individual ignorance. We knock on the door and ask to partake of the light and warmth within. We then begin to work oh behalf of the entire creation instead of the smaller circle of friends and relatives. Grace descends in abundance and we become merely an instrument of the divine with the full power of the divine behind us. Our task is the liberation of the remaining encased forms.
Oh What Amazing Grace

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Here Comes the Light           Clip2
The progression of life is from the higher, to the lower and then back up again. The spirit descends into matter until it reaches it lowest point, smothered in matter; it's spiritual origin forgotten. Then it begins its long climb back home again, attracted by the Light. The same cycle is reflected in miniature in the individual life where the energies of mid life pertain to the physical aspects of job, family, and activity but later switch to spirituality and a search for meaning in life. In a higher time octave, planetary civilization progresses from a preoccupation with the material towards a more spiritual orientation. At present the Light from the world of Spirit is beaming down upon our earth like a rising sun, attracting all the spiritual units who are capable of responding. We are watching the dawn of a new era where the darkness of ignorance and self-centeredness will give way to the light of unification, sharing, and a concern for the common good as we recognize the divine principle latent in every living being.
Here Comes the Light

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20 Century
The 20th Century represents the deepest and darkest period of humanity's long history. Never before have wars been waged on such a widespread basis using technologies of mass destruction. In the Vedantic view, we are passing through the Kali Yuga, the iron age of darkness and ignorance. Although we have widespread knowledge and scientific achievement the head is awakened but the heart is slumbering. The heart must awaken and become the director. Technology must be harnessed for the good of all. Instead it is used selfishly with the result of a massive inequality of living standards between various people on the planet.

In this song, harmonius passages are intermixed with dissonant passages just as in the twentieth century we saw periods of happiness and prosperity juxtaposed between depression and world wars. Towards the end of the century and the end of the two thousand year major cycle the sound of the Avatar (God encased in flesh) sweeps away the dissonance of self-centered ignorance to reveal the harmonius sound of the restoration of right ideals. The ideals are those of the Golden Age before us which will be characterized by a widespread recognition of the Divine as the resident awareness at the core of every being. Since all are innately divine, service to man truly is service to God.
20th Century

"Time is my canvas
musical notes, my paints
brushtrokes of chords form light and shadow
a rainbow of colors on the cloud of awareness"

Cosmic Harmony was composed and performed by Gerald L. Davidson using a bank of MIDI controlled synthesizers. All instrument parts were played individually and then captured and played back in total to create each CD track. Cosmic Harmony is an attempt to represent the Celestial Music of the Spheres through the arrangement of harmonic chords played using the aesthetic sounds of the various synthesizers. It is a tribute to the Cosmic Composer Whose magnificent symphony of elegant Harmony and Divine Beauty eternally surrounds us.

To Purchase the Cosmic Harmony CD:

Send Check or Money Order (Payable to Gerald Davidson) for $13 U.S. Dollars (shipping is included) to:
          Gerald Davidson, Cosmic Harmony
          2806 Harmony St.
          Boise, ID 83706
Note - this information still valid as of July 2005

Cosmic Harmony is looking for an Online Music Distributor. Email to:   if interested.

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